Sunday, January 29, 2012

The road to creature design

Hi :),

Hope everyone had a great week. I was supposed to work on female anatomy, but since I couldn’t find references I was happy with I did something else.

I was watching an interview with Terryl Witlatch on the cgchannel. She’s an awesome creature designer. She said that any artist who wants to be a creature designer should know how to draw animals inside out. and also to start collecting references from magazines and whatnot. Maybe i should plan a trip to the zoo when i'm free. do some sketching. So yeah, I practiced animal anatomy this week.

I followed a tutorial by MarshallVandruff, who explains on basic form and anatomy. Getting the basics welded in your brain is very important. If you don’t get the basics right you’ll stumble with the rest.  Apparently it takes a slight error in proportion for a horse to look like a dog and a dog to look like something else.  

I'd also managed to find time to do a little digital painting. I really want to learn how to paint, I mean traditionally. I practiced doing the color wheel using water colors. Boy do I need more practice. I should put “mastering the color wheel” on the list of things I should do. Although my target now is to learn how to paint using oils. Someday soon I hope :)

This week I’ll be going back to doing male anatomy. Till then, happy drawing and have a great week everyone :D

horses are such beautiful creatures

and here's the painting. dedicated to Dorothy
you're awesome and i miss you <3